it's only half past the point of no return

Det finns få saker här i världen som ger mig lika mycket känslobomber som meningsfulla låttexter. Jag älskar det fullkomligt, de får mig att må.. ja, de får mig helt enkelt att må, att känna. Känslan av att kunna andas, känslan av att vara fri, känslan av att vara levande.

"Have you ever looked fear in the face and said 'I just don't care'?"

"The time my dad caught me a horseshoe crab and I asked him if throwing it back into the sea would bring our luck back."

"They say the captain goes down with the ship so, when the world ends, will God go down with it?"

"But it was for my own amusement, saying love was an illusion of a hopeless heart."

"It's in the eyes of the children, as they leave for the very first time and it's in the heart of the soldier, as he takes a bullet on the frontline. It's in the face of a mother, as she takes the force of a blow and its in the hands of the father, as he works his fingers to the bone."

"She's standing in the heart of darkness, saying I know you got a soul even though you're heartless."

"She finds color in the darkest places, she finds beauty in the saddest of faces."

"Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead."



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